A multi-day concentrated liquid for radiators, with protective, anti-frost and anti-boil properties. It can also be used for topping up and can be mixed with other coolants of different colours. The first and only liquid containing GLITECH 4.100, a brand new inhibitor pack. Thanks to its special formulation, it prevents the formation of sludge harmful to the proper heat exchange in the circuit. Where it is already present, it softens them and prevents them from being thrown away. Lubricates the water pump and keeps it efficient over time. At ideal concentrations, it protects against freezing down to -39°C, and in the cooler the boiling point can reach +125°C under operating conditions. Prevents rust and scale formation even in the presence of large amounts of hard water, protecting the radiator over time. Compared to the standard, it ensures double life: 4 years 100,000 km.